Lion Bites – Global Prophetic Alliance – 16.11.21 – Tuesday

You have lamented the division in the land, the barriers that separate those in your cities, your towns, and villages. You are aware of the hate that spews online between factions, and you cringe at the words and attitudes which separate and divide the communities you inhabit. And yet, I long to heal the barriersContinue reading “Lion Bites – Global Prophetic Alliance – 16.11.21 – Tuesday”

Saturday Morning Prayer (Wk2/2021)

Almighty God, once again, I ask You for the forgiveness of my sins, whether they be in thought, word or deed. I thank You in advance for being present throughout my day ahead. You are an omnipresent God so, although there is a lockdown, You can reach us all, whether it be on our dailyContinue reading “Saturday Morning Prayer (Wk2/2021)”

Devotional Prayer – Thursday 7th January 2021

Almighty Father, today I come before You requesting restoration. I wake up, forgetting all that was negative and wrong within yesterday and I behold all that is new. I ask for forgiveness of sins that were within my thoughts, words or deeds and rise up in those areas that I have been anointed to walkContinue reading “Devotional Prayer – Thursday 7th January 2021”